2 Locations to Better Your Needs:
Traverse City & Gaylord


Traverse City: 231-941-6550

Gaylord: 989-448-8344

Special Services

Psychological Evaluation & Testing Program

PREMISE: Our company specializes in providing psychological evaluation and testing services. Our unique commitment to this area of applied psychology has set us apart from other psychologists and individuals in the mental health field. It has always been this organization.s philosophy that any form of psychological service should initiate with a careful and in depth evaluation. Our services place a premium on collecting and utilizing objective data. This ensures that accurate diagnoses can be made and subjective evaluator bias can be eliminated.

Click Here To Learn More About Psychological Testing 


Psychotherapy & Counseling Program

PREMISE: Psychotherapy is a formal treatment process designed to address various forms of psychopathology (psychological/psychiatric illnesses). Typically the term psychotherapy suggests a more in depth approach to dealing with a problem or issue. Associated techniques serve to get to the root and/or underpinnings of the problem as a means of a long term solution or resolution to an issue. Our program also utilizes traditional counseling approaches which tend to be more consultation and support oriented. The type of approach chosen is dependent on the presenting problem.

The treatment process initiates with an in depth interview that addresses the problematic issues as well as a general history. The initial assessments, also referred to as intake evaluations, are always conducted by a licensed masters or doctoral level psychologist clinician.

Our clinic is unique in that we possess a large staff of qualified experts in the mental health field. This allows for the ability to address and treat a wide range of human issues and problems and to provide services to children, adolescents and adults.

Click Here To Learn More About Counseling


Couples & Family Counseling Program

PREMISE: It is not uncommon that psychological issues and disturbances negatively affect couples and families. Our Couples & Family Counseling Program is designed to address such issues. The goals and objectives of this form of intervention is often to work toward eliminating or reducing discord or conflicts in relationships and/or a family.

Click Here to Learn More About Martial and Family Counseling 


Psychological Custody Evaluation Program

PREMISE: Old Town Psychological Services maintains that custody disputes involving children are highly sensitive and that custody evaluations must be conducted with a high degree of professionalism and integrity.

OTPS has extensive experience in evaluating children and adults involved in custody disputes and providing objective recommendations for those involved. Our staff conducts all custody evaluations on the premise that recommendations are to be made based on the psychological best interests of the involved child or children.

Click Here to Learn More About Custody Evaluation 


Psychological Custody & Co-parenting Mediation Program

PREMISE: Most divorces involving custody disputes are highly acrimonious and present many challenges to the parents following separation and divorce. Old Town Psychological Services offers a custody & co-parenting mediation service as a component to the custody evaluation service. It is our philosophy that a more humanistic and potentially logical solution can surface through a mediation process that involves the participation of both parents as opposed to a court imposed decision. We also strongly believe that a process that improves the environment for effective co-parenting is clearly in the best interests of the involved children.

Click Here for More Information About Custody and Co-parenting Mediation 


ADHD Evaluation & Treatment Program

PREMISE: ADHD is a complex disorder that has dramatically increased in prevalence in recent years. Those meeting diagnostic criteria for the disorder have many challenges to overcome. Our program provides services to both children and adults. Research results have indicated that many individuals continue to experience symptoms of the disorder from childhood through adulthood. The prevailing thought in the past was that children would eventually “out grow” the disorder.

Our philosophy regarding ADHD dictates that a careful and thorough evaluation is required to identify the disorder. ADHD is often misdiagnosed. For example, some clinicians mistake anxiety or depression symptoms for those of ADHD. Our detailed evaluations are also a guard against quick or snap diagnoses that are often made in some settings. Our program is also predicated on utilizing objective evaluation material.

Our program also includes consultation and treatment services for individuals who do meet diagnostic criteria for ADHD. The consultation process includes discussion regarding prevalent treatments based on the most up to date research. Such consultations also include detailed information regarding medications used to treat ADHD. Counseling and behavioral interventions can also be helpful in some cases for individuals diagnosed with ADHD. Such individuals would be identified in the evaluation process and relative recommendations would follow with development of an appropriate treatment plan.

Click Here to Learn More About ADHD Treatment 


Bariatric Evaluation & Treatment Program

PREMISE: The number of individuals undergoing Bariatric surgeries have increased dramatically in recent years. Insurance companies and surgeons have maintained requirements for prospective Bariatric surgical candidates to undergo psychological screenings prior to being approved for the surgery.

Our program includes both evaluation and treatment services for individuals involved with Bariatric surgery. The treatment program was created for individuals who have encountered psychological difficulties prior to or post surgery. Some of these individuals experience marital difficulties, problems with adjusting to a new self image, difficulties adjusting to the sudden absence of comfort foods in their lives, etc. The counseling program is also designed for individuals who did not meet full psychological criteria for the surgery and are required to undergo a counseling program prior to receiving the surgery.

Click Here to Learn More About Bariatric Evaluation 


Child Behavioral Disorders Evaluation & Treatment Program

PREMISE: Old Town Psychological Services has become well known for providing services to children and adolescents. Children with Oppositional behavior patterns have seemed to increase in prevalence. These children generally present a significant challenge to parents and can be highly disruptive to any family setting. Some of the signs and symptoms of Oppositional Defiant Disorder include frequent temper tantrums, arguing with adults, refusing to comply or listen to directions, appearing angry and resentful, are easily annoyed or deliberately annoy others, etc. Children with these types of presentations are at risk for being diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Typically early therapeutic intervention is best for these children. The treatment process can be highly effective and at times significant changes are observed in a relatively short span of time. It should be pointed out that children who have been diagnosed with ADHD are often times more prone to being diagnosed with O.D.D. as well.

Click Here to Learn More About Child Behavioral Disorders


Academic Deficiency, Dyslexia & Learning Disorder Program

PREMISE: This program is designed to address academic issues that any child, adolescent or adult may be encountering. We often receive referrals from parents of children who feel that their child has “fallen in the cracks” in terms of attention from their respective educational system. Psychological testing and consultation are helpful modes of intervention in these cases. Some adolescents and adults request verification or documentation of their learning disorder or cognitive impairments that may be associated with a diagnosis of ADHD for the purpose of receiving special disability accomodations. Such accomodations may be implemented in classrooms or during objective testing sessions for the ACT, SAT, L-SAT, GRE, etc. Common accomodations include increased time for testing sessions, tests to be taken in quiet atmospheres and someone to read the test items aloud. We also receive many requests for evaluation and diagnosis of dyslexia. Dyslexia is a unique and complex condition that requires careful evaluation. The program is also designed to assist individuals who would like assistance in career or educational planning.

Click Here to Learn More About Learning Disorders 


Substance Abuse Evaluation and Treatment Program

PREMISE: The devastating effects of substance use disorders are well documented in our society and have existed for generations. In even more recent years, we have seen a national explosion of opiate related deaths and associated comorbid diseases. These observations have led Old Town Psychological Services to redevelop our substance abuse evaluation and treatment program. We have diligently worked to create new defined programs that include a Substance Use Disorder Intensive Outpatient Treatment Program, Intervention Service Program, Education and Prevention Service Program and a Medication Assisted Treatment Program.

Click Here to Learn More About Substance Abuse Treatment 

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