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Child Behavioral Disorders Evaluation & Treatment Program

COMPONENTS: Generally a two tiered treatment approach is utilized when intervening with children with O.D.D. After the initial diagnosis has been made a formalized behavioral treatment program is established by the therapist for use and implementation by a parent. These behavior treatment programs are beneficial to both the parents and children in these cases. The program often helps restore balance and equilibrium to the family setting by helping to increase parental consistency and direct the proper use of disciplinary approaches and required level of firmness. In addition, the program helps to return a mutual sense of positive regard between the parent and child.

The second part of the approach includes individual counseling for the diagnosed child. This is crucial for serving to reinforce the implemented behavioral treatment program and address the underlying issues that the child may have that have contributed to the diagnosis of O.D.D.

SPECIFIC TRAINING REQUIREMENTS: The Child Behavioral Disorder Evaluation and Treatment Program is operated by a licensed doctoral level psychologist. This psychologist has extensive training in the area of O.D.D. and years of experience working with children diagnosed with this disorder. The clinician’s and test technicians who work in this program work under the supervision of this individual. Therapists working in the program are required to have a masters’ degree in psychology, counseling or clinical social work. In addition, the clinicians are required to have significant experience working with children diagnosed with O.D.D.

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